
How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone Cortisol

How to Naturally Lower Stress Hormone Cortisol

When we’re stressed our body reacts in a couple of ways, one is by releasing the stress hormone cortisol. And you can imagine that there are natural ways you can lower it. So check out my list of recommendations to reduce cortisol. Then indulge in my de-stressing dessert recipe.

Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Do you need some inspiration for a few great breakfast foods? Maybe you don’t have time and you need some healthy ideas for “grab and go” mornings – who doesn’t ever run short on time in the mornings? Don’t worry, I have you covered with three must eat breakfast foods and a yummy recipe too!

How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables

How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables

Let me give you a super-quick crash course on reading the Nutrition Facts tables, and give you a few hints on the new changes coming soon. Then, try my delicious and super-easy snack recipe that’ll blow your pre-packaged granola bars out of the water.

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

I want you to stop wasting one more second on garbage like the four common weight loss myths I’m debunking today. Please join me in finally putting these to rest once and for all. And then, try my myth-free delicious and filling salad recipe.

How to Improve Gut Health

How to Improve Gut Health

Your gut health is based on the integrity of its parts; and, also on the health of the friendly gut microbes that live there. And, there are a lot of different ways to improve your gut health naturally. Let me give you some of my best tips for your overall gut health. And, I’ll throw in a delicious recipe too (of course!).

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

Why is My Metabolism Slow?

If you’ve gained weight and/or feel cold and tired it may just be that you have a slow metabolism. The next question of course is “why is my metabolism slow”? Well, that’s a great question! Since your metabolism is how your body takes food and oxygen and uses it to fuel all of its biochemical reactions there are a lot of things that can slow it down.

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

Let me bust some common cholesterol myths right now starting with the myth that “cholesterol is cholesterol” because it’s not. Depending on which of its buddies cholesterol is floating through your blood with makes a massive difference. Not to mention the fact that cholesterol is essential to good health. After I bust those myths I’ll give you the goods on what healthy lifestyle choices you can make to increase that “good” cholesterol and a delicious recipe too!

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters More Than What You Weigh

Why Your Waist Circumference Matters More Than What You Weigh

It can be too easy to think (or worry) about your weight. But you know what? There is something else that may be more important when it comes to real health. That is your waist circumference. That internal fat (AKA “visceral fat”) is known to release a bunch of hormones and inflammatory compounds that can mess with your blood sugar, blood fats (i.e triglycerides), and blood pressure. In today’s post I’ll describe how to measure your waist circumference and then give you a bunch of actionable tips to help you reduce it. And (of course) there’s a super-nutritious recipe at the end.

Bye Bye Sleeping Through the Night

Bye Bye Sleeping Through the Night

Sleep isn’t just important for your mind and body to have energy and be alert. Lack of sleep can contribute to serious health issues which you don’t want. So let me have your attention for this “tip-filled” post on the importance of sleep and how you can get your fair share. I’ll even throw in an amazing caffeine-free latte recipe for your afternoon “pick me up”

Coffee – Who can drink it and who should avoid it?

Coffee – Who can drink it and who should avoid it?

If you want to know whether you should drink coffee or avoid it, today’s post is for you. Coffee affects different people differently. It has some health benefits, but there are people who should avoid it.

What is Metabolism?

What is Metabolism?

Do “calories” really count? Well, yes they do, but they’re not the only thing that matters when it comes to how much you weigh and how much energy you have. In other words, it also has a lot to do with your METABOLISM.

Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals

Three Ways to Avoid Overeating at Meals

Sometimes those holiday feasts are just amazing. And it’s not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, the decorations, and the ambiance. It is way too easy (and common) to indulge on those days. But it doesn’t always stop there. Sometimes we overeat on regular days. Or at regular meals. Or All. The. Time. Here are three tips to avoid overeating at meals!

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Guys, in this house, we love our pumpkin flavour! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin overnight oats and now Pumpkin Spice Muffins!

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